
How to Block Websites without Software

This article will help you to Block any Website without Software. Mostly in schools and colleges blocks pornographic and socail networking websites. You might have read about some softwares available for blocking websites but that is little bit lenghty work you have to perform (Downloading software and all that). Below steps will help you to block any website in firefox, safari or any of your web browser without any software within 2 minutes.

Click on Start go to Run and type the followin in it

C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc  or navigate to this address

Now open file named hosts with wordpad or notepad. The last line will look like this

Copy the last line and paste on next line and replace 'localhost' with the website URL you want to block

20 Highest Paying Keywords in Adsense & Online Advertising

This is the list of 20 Highest Paying Keywords in Google Adsense and in Online advertising. Do you know how much Google is earning from advertising? Do you know what is the main source of google's earning? The answer is Google Adwords advertising i.e Google Adsense the most popular and biggest advertising network on Internet which contribute around 97% of Google's revenue.

How google makes or earn money

One of the Internet Marketing Company named as WordStream latest released an Info-graph regarding which are the Most Expensive keywords in Google Adwords Advertising (on online advertising) or Highest Paying Keywords for Publishers.

You might be surprised to know the amount. The most expensive Keyword is related to "Insurance" "Auto Insurance price Quotes" "building contents Insurance" "buy car insurance online"  for which an advertiser has to pay $ 54.91 per click. The second highest paying keyword is related to "Loans" for which and advertiser has to shell $44.28.

The main thing is that Google doesn't pay even the 50% of the amount which they collect from advertiser to the publisher but still its not the bad deal for publisher.

Check out the top 20 Highest paying keywords list below.

Rank of Keyword         Top CPC(Cost per Click) 
(Highest Paying)

1. Insurance                                   $ 54.91

2. Gas/Electricity                           $ 54.62
3. Mortgage                                   $ 47.12 
4. Attorney                                     $ 47.07
5. Claim                                          $ 45.51
6. Loans                                         $ 44.28
7. Lawyer                                       $ 42.51
8. Conference Call                        $ 42.05
9. Recovery                                   $ 42.03
10. Donate                                     $ 42.02
11. Degree                                     $ 40.61
12. Treatment                                 $ 37.18
13. Credit                                       $ 36.06
14. Software                                   $ 35.29
15. Classes                                     $ 35.04
16. Rehab                                      $ 33.59
17. Trading                                     $ 33.19
18. Hosting                                    $ 31.91
19. Transfer                                   $ 29.86
20. Cord Blood                              $ 27.80

XfinityTV Android App Review - No longer worry about losing your remote

When I heard that Xfinity (Comcast) would soon be releasing an app giving you the ability to watch anything included with your Comcast/Xfinity cable TV account on your Smartphone, I kept checking the Android Market to see if it happened without my being aware. I was happy to see that there is an app for XfinityTV, but was disappointed that it was basically just a remote control with the option of setting your DVR (which I can already do with the Xfinity Mobile app). So, the only time that I think I'll ever need to use the app is on those occasions when I misplace my regular cable remote and I get tired of looking for it.
I did load the app, followed the instructions to name my three HD boxes for easier identification (living room, bedroom, daughter's room) and was happy to discover that the app works exactly as stated. You can scan the listings of channels on your account, scan OnDemand movies and shows, and order them to watch on any of your cable boxes. 
But, you'd think that since HBO offers subscribers the ability to watch movies and series on your phone with HBOGo (which works remarkably well on my HTC Thunderbolt 4G, that it would be a simple process to offer the same features on the entire cable account. But then again, what the hell do I know?

Google buying Motorola Mobility - what does that mean to us?

Google is attempting to purchase Motorola Mobility, the maker of Motorola mobile handsets, for $12.5 billion, pending FTC approval, as well as other worldwide regulatory scrutiny.
If the deal goes through, Google, who will maintain Motorola Mobility as a separate entity, will align themselves with Apple in that they will be making the devices that run their own operating system. They will also own the more than 16,000 patents owned by Motorola, which may help avoid some future legal action from competitors.

Google CEO Larry Page said, "Our acquisition of Motorola will increase competition by strengthening Google's patent portfolio, which will enable us to better protect Android from anti-competitive threats from Microsoft, Apple and other companies."
Sanjay Jha, CEO of Motorola Mobility commented, "We have shared a productive partnership with Google to advance the Android platform, and now through this combination we will be able to do even more to innovate and deliver outstanding mobility solutions across our mobile devices and home businesses."
I guess we'll just have to wait and see how this all works itself out, but they must be scrambling today at HTC, LG, Sony and Samsung.

Assessment Apps by Vicki Windman

This is a great list put together by Vicki Mindman, a gust blogger over at Tech Learning. Tech&Learning is a great site for educational resources, discussions and product reviews all around the idea of integrating technology in the classroom. Be sure to sign up for their Tech Learning Digital Magazine - it has articles, profiles and how to material as well as information on the latest tech developments in education.

Assessment Apps by Vicki Windman
As administrators and educators, we need to find ways to assess staff and students. If you work with special-needs students, part of the process is documenting goals that are measureable. We now have apps that can assist us with tracking students' progress.

There are quite a few free observation and data apps but you must commit to their software to sync your data. Examples include: 
EcoveStride walkthroughRANDAObservation 360,OASYS.
IEP checklist Free - A great tool to have at your fingertips when you need to track IEP goals for your students. It allows you to input relevant data so you can keep track of your student’s goals. Additionally, it now allows you to record individual notes while tracking student progress.
Percentally $2.99- Many of the IEP goals are looking for percentage benchmarks for an assigned goal. This app allows you to customize the goal for each student and mark progress using percentage. You can export your information to Google Docs so you have a back up record.
GoDocs $4.99 - Allows you to sync with your Google Docs, even if you have more than one account. It also allows you to edit on the iPad.
K12 timed Reading $1.99 - Fluency app. It allows more than one student levels K-4th grade. improving fluency allows readers to read smoothly and quickly so they can focus on comprehension rather than on decoding words.
Super Duper Data Tracker $1.99 - Organize your students into groups. Then enter your student’s names and their goals. Track incorrect and correct responses discreetly and efficiently.
Behavioral Tracker Pro 29.99 - Tracks behaviors and automatically graphs them. Supports unlimited number of children and observers!
Teacher Assistant Pro $3.99 - Keeps track of student actions, behavior, infractions, and achievements in the classroom.
SMART Response VE -  Will be available shortly. If you use the Smart Board, this tool will allow you gain immediate insight into student understanding.
PAR Assessment Toolkit Free - Provides assistance to psychologists, mental health workers, and anyone else who administers standardized assessments. The scoring modules allow for conversion from raw scores to T scores for our most popular assessments.
Google doc teacher evaluation template- Add this to your Go Docs as a template to evaluate teachers.

Skype mobile video chat for Verizon HTC Thunderbolt 4G LTE - sounds like a good idea, works awful

Imagine my excitement when I heard that Skype has finally released video chatting on the Verizon 4G LTE platform. Now, I can use my Verizon HTC Thunderbolt to video chat with, not only other mobile Skype users, but also with computer based Skype users.

Note: Skype Mobile Video Chat on the HTC Thunderbolt doesn't work
anything like depicted in this picture. The large image would be YOUR WALL.

After downloading the app for my Android phone, I logged in and was pleasantly surprised to see that my existing list of Skype friends was visible and I could make my very first video call.
That's when the fun ended.
One of the main reasons that I purchased the Thunderbolt, was because it had two cameras. One on the back, and one on the front for video chatting. The one on the front does not work with Skype, meaning that whomever you are talking to is seeing your wall, or yard or whatever else may be in front of you when you're trying to chat. You can see the other person (if they're on their computer), but they don't see you unless you flip the camera around. Now they can see you, but you can't see them. Not good, Skype people. Not good at all.
The video quality of the person to whom I was chatting was quite good, but very small and there was no way to enlarge the image. They said that my video was pixilated but my audio was great. The pixilated video could have been a result of their connection, but the quality of my video (in this case my back yard) which was on my screen was blurry as well.
Another major annoyance was the audio of the person on the other end. They said that they could hear me fine, but I could barely hear them even with the speaker turned all the way up. I was further disappointed when I discovered that Bluetooth headsets do not work with Skype mobile. I considered plugging in standard earbuds, but I'm pretty sure that my microphone would not work, so the party on the other end wouldn't be able to hear me. (Another issue that I have with the Thunderbolt. On my original Droid, I could plug in my earbud and the phone microphone still worked.)
In short: nice try Skype, but hurry back to the drawing board and fix these issues or newcomers like Tango may get a good portion of the mobile video chat market.
On a scale of 1 to 649.3, I'll give it a 12.49. Hey, it's my scale.

Reality Voter app review - repeatedly vote for reality show contestants

If you're a big fan of reality shows like "American Idol" and "Dancing with the Stars" and want to vote and vote and vote for your favorite contestants, then this Android app may be worth the $3.99 expense.

Reality Voter is an app that allows you place multiple votes for your favorite contestants on a number of reality TV shows. The application was developed by WBEI Mobile App Development and is available online as well as in the Amazon App Store or the Android Market.

Depending on the particular show's restrictions, you can vote up to 50 times with one click once you're set up. Some of the shows included with Reality Voter are: "America's Got Talent," "American Idol," "So You Think You Can Dance," "Nashville Star" and many others.

I would have tested it during "America's Got Talent" (so I could have voted for my friend, comedian Geechy Guy), but I couldn't find an email address to request a free copy to test and review.

So, this isn't actually an app review since I've never actually used the app. It's more like a cheap way to remind you to please go to the "America's Got Talent" web site and vote for Geechy Guy to come back in the Wild Card slot. He's very funny and the show needs a good comedian. You can check him out and see videos at "The Dirty Joke Show" web site.